It's here! My website!
I wanted to launch it at least two years before I turned 50.
It started with a few people telling me that as I grew my brand, I needed to set up a website. All I could think of was, Why would I do that when I can hardly keep it together with all the social media channels, children, my dreams and my writing?
And then I began waking up early, by 3am and 4am and the path of my inward journey began to reflect as an outward projection of fulfillment and extremely high vibration, with frequencies connecting with people who felt as desirous as I did, to live without limitations.
I still didn't know when this website would begin, if it ever did. It was not until Florence Katono MBA, CAP approached me last year and said, "Bev, it's time." Where are you going to put all the work, the accolades, the writing and the life-changing blog posts you've collected over the years?
I remember in 2015 when the New Vision named me as one of Uganda's Top 40 under 40 women, for my extensive work in promoting poetry in Uganda and beyond.
My husband too, who also designs websites, kept nudging me towards the need to put it together, since he had already designed work websites for me.
And then a stranger approached me by the name of Ms. Owora, a Ugandan living in the U.S who had seen my work over the years. She shared her services, professionally and not forcefully. We began talking and the discussions grew into the website. My website. Please follow the link and enjoy the journey like I did.
There are several poetry collections and anthologies. Remember 'Boda Boda Anthem: A Kampala Poetry Anthology?' You can purchase it and read at your leisure.
Thanks to wonderful people who gave feedback on the website:
Emmanuel Nsengiyunva, Dr. Sara Kaweesa (PhD), Florence Katono, Christine Nalubowa Sempanyi, Eric Semwanje, Hatim Katamba, Omondi-Odero Daniel, Joe Tugume, Elizbeth Asiimwe and Loyce Adong.
Here's the link! Bless!