Tuesday, 11 March 2025

The Great Athol Fugard Has Rested

 It is hard to imagine that someone with such a powerful countenance, a relentless passion for social justice, an endless flow of wit from his pen, could ever rest. Athol Fugard, award-winning South African playwright, director, and actor.

He was so incensed by Apartheid that the government even withdrew his passport for a number of years. I had the distinct privilege of  teaching his plays a few years ago to an A level Cambridge Literature class. What fun we had!

(Internet photo)

There is so much to grasp between the pages of the play 'Sizwe Bansi is Dead.' Athol's tangible impact is undeniable. He creates characters and scenes from the most mundane and everyday situations and ignites them into an unforgettable life event. The potent discrimination during Apartheid is so well described and articulated in this play, and leaves anyone quite numb. 

Being a white South Africa, enraged by the Apartheid system, attracted its own backlash and antagonism and yet Athol was consistent in his stance.

No-Good Friday, another of his plays, is highly memorable and intertwines such unimaginable tension during Apartheid in Sophiatown.

Reading Nongogo left us with so many questions about blurred lines, survival and justice. I would have loved to have met this unmatched genius. 

To a great person, rest well.

Beverley N Nsengiyunva


Sunday, 9 March 2025

Feeling, Is Out! The Poetry Anthology Celebrating Iconic Ugandan Women

 This has been the most celebratory and noteworthy journey of all our poetry anthologies at Babishai. It just kept growing until this monumental time. What a journey worth relishing in. Every single part has been worth it.


Prof. Sylvia Tamale                                          Tapenence Kuteesa



Dr. Isabella Epiu, Uganda’s first PhD anaesthisiologist

Extended gratitude to the poetry contributors, to the photographer, to Braid Art ad Culture Fund, Gilgal Media Arts and the team tat Babishai Niwe Poetry Foundation.

Thanks to the women whom we reached out to who gladly accepted this honour. Thanks to their relatives, as well.

To Kampala Morning Stars Rotary Club, who hosted an early women’ s day meeting and bought a significant number of copies, thank you.

Jackie Asiimwe

There are 65 iconic Ugandan women who are honoured in this poetry anthology and if we had had a lifetime to produce this anthology, then we would definitely have included all the extraordinary women of Uganda.


We are victorious. Uganda is victorious. Africa is victorious. he world is victorious. Each of these women has shaped the world in one way or another. We will never stop rejoicing in their accolades.

The online version of this poetry anthology is available here.FEELING

For physical copies, call +256 751 703226 or email babishai@babishai.com


Thank you!!

Sunday, 2 March 2025

Rev Bev-touching the world one country at a time

 On the last Sunday of February this year, my Pastor Godson Sebuguzi and his wife, Dr. Catherine Sebuguzi, invited me to lead service at God's Fortress Ministries in Komamboga Uganda. What a huge honour!

In my twenties, I used to call myself #RevBev and imagined myself evangelising in every country in the world. There's something satisfying and highly rewarding when it comes to touching the lands of unfamiliar places and speaking to those who carry unfamiliar faces and speak unfamiliar languages. 

I feel I am part of something real and that it is just an extension of whom I was always supposed to be.

2025 is the year when I am launching new products. The first was my website, in January, an unveiling of a powerful and creative side of me. Here's the link. BEVERLEY N NSENGIYUNVA

In March 2025, it is the release of 'Feeling,' the women's poetry anthology celebrating iconic Ugandan women. This is such a celebratory year and I am grateful for each person that has ridden along with me, walked with me, jumped and danced with me and created with me.

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Feeling-The Great Unveiling of our Poetry Anthology Book Cover

 The Great Unveiling!

Heartfelt and Beautiful Greetings,πŸ†

Unveiling the cover of 'Feeling,' the upcoming and much anticipated Babishai Niwe Poetry Foundation Poetry Anthology Celebrating Iconic Ugandan Women.πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬
We'll soon be releasing both the virtual and physical versions.

Extending gratitude to you for your continued support. More details out soon, also on social mediaπŸ’™

The cover photograph was taken by professional photographer, Edward Soyinka EchwaluπŸ’―

Contributors to the Anthology include:-
Zoey -Thestoryteller, George W Kiwanuka, George Gumikiriza, Nakintu Pamela Mwanje, Alwedo Michelle Ivy, Andrew Herbert Ouma, Kagayi Ngobiand Beverley N Nsengiyunva πŸ†

This project has been supported by East Africa Arts (British Council) and Trust Indigenous Culture and Health, through their BRAID Fund.


Monday, 3 February 2025

Connect Through Dancing

 I sometimes get nervous when people ask me  to mentor them. I feel like it's a trap. Whichever decision I make, I am trapped. If I say yes, I have pulled myself into a relationship that I often have little control over. What are the rules for mentorship, anyway?

If I decline, then there are people who will make me walk the plank. There are those gatekeepers who hold this offensive narrative that every single minute of someone's free time should be spent on volunteering or mentoring.

These days if you explain that you'd rather spend Saturday and Sunday with family, then once again, the gatekeepers will make you walk the plank, just because you have made a choice that does not involve them. When did we give away our power that people have control over every single minute of our time? At the rate that some people volunteer, it is a wonder that they have time for their jobs or family at home?

The reason that I sometimes decline mentoring is because of that. There are few clear guidelines. Sometimes the people I am mentoring are non-communicative and I am pleading with them to follow their goals. 

Thankfully, there are times when I mentor people who are hungry. They are so hungry, that they make mentoring a joy. I am also able to share a dedicated time line to our relationship. It may slide into coaching as well. With coaching though, there is usually a fee and it is well-framed and based on specific expertise.

Mentorship, especially in Uganda, is growing, which is good. It means that there is a need for sound leadership and there are dedicated groups of people willing to learn. On that note, if we have dedicated ourselves to lead and guide others, then let us do so when we are able to.  It is impractical to mentor over 100 people sometimes three times a week and be effective.

Since it is voluntary, ask yourself if it is the right time for you, if you are resourcefully able to and how long it will last. Take note that there are those who take advantage of experienced leaders and make them fall into this trap of mentoring for the common good, when actually this mentor is exhausted, depleted of all mental and almost physical strength, holding onto the last fragments of their own will.

There are some mentorship spaces that are dynamic and have passed the tests. Girls for Girls Mentorship is one of them, which I follow. I spoke at one of their sessions and my expectations were clear, which was fantastic.

There are many that mentor and both mentees and mentors are able to fully replenish the other. It is good to give of yourself, please do. Only when you actually have something to give and the time to do it.

Take time to rest. We should be celebrated for choosing time to play, to be with family and to work on our own goals. We should spend time dancing, reading, or maybe just laying down and staring into the starlit sky. We don't do that enough.

Here below I was dancing  at a wedding in Kigali, December 2024.



Monday, 27 January 2025

My Website is Here! Yay!

 It's here! My website!

I wanted to launch it at least two years before I turned 50.

It started with a few people telling me that as I grew my brand, I needed to set up a website. All I could think of was, Why would I do that when I can hardly keep it together with all the social media channels, children, my dreams and my writing?

And then I began waking up early, by 3am and 4am and the path of my inward journey began to reflect as an outward projection of fulfillment and extremely high vibration, with frequencies connecting with people who felt as desirous as I did, to live without limitations.

I still didn't know when this website would begin, if it ever did. It was not until Florence Katono MBA, CAP approached me last year and said, "Bev, it's time." Where are you going to put all the work, the accolades, the writing and the life-changing blog posts you've collected over the years?

I remember in 2015 when the New Vision named me as one of Uganda's Top 40 under 40 women, for my extensive work in promoting poetry in Uganda and beyond.

My husband too, who also designs websites, kept nudging me towards the need to put it together, since he had already designed work websites for me.

And then a stranger approached me by the name of Ms. Owora, a Ugandan living in the U.S who had seen my work over the years. She shared her services, professionally and not forcefully. We began talking and the discussions grew into the website. My website. Please follow the link and enjoy the journey like I did.

There are several poetry collections and anthologies. Remember 'Boda Boda Anthem: A Kampala Poetry Anthology?' You can purchase it and read at your leisure.

Thanks to wonderful people who gave feedback on the website:
Emmanuel Nsengiyunva, Dr. Sara Kaweesa (PhD), Florence Katono, Christine Nalubowa Sempanyi, Eric Semwanje, Hatim Katamba, Omondi-Odero Daniel, Joe Tugume, Elizbeth Asiimwe and Loyce Adong.

Here's the link! Bless!

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Using Poetry To Honour Iconic Ugandan Women and Girls

 The year has begun exceedingly well. 

I will be launching something personal that I have been working on for a while and also through the Babishai Niwe Poetry Foundation, we will be launching a poetry anthology that honours women and girls of Uganda.

There are those who have led illustrious careers in entertainment, health, philanthropy, human rights, media and so on. There are those who have left us and gone to be in glory whose works are still impactful.

There are those whose stories must be shared and we are doing so through poetry. Watch the segment below.

Video segment

When the anthology is out, you will be the first to know. There will be opportunities to purchase it both online and physically. It is going to be awesooooooome x 1,000!