Thursday 27 July 2023

Putting Other People's Feelings Above Your Own, The Parable of The Foolish Five and Fake Humility

On reading Matthew 25 again, about the Parable of the Foolish Five who were unprepared for a most important event. They requested, begged and cajoled for their friends to give them oil to light their own lamps, which thankfully their friends didn't.

Teach children from an early age, that they don't need validation from others.

Had any of the friends given even one ounce of oil to these unprepared individuals, there would not have been sufficient oil left, and the result would have been more Foolish people.
Yesterday I needed to report an incident. I wasn't going to because I felt it could be resolved with maturity. The other person had no intentions of doing that and constantly tore away at my goodwill. After reporting, I'm glad I did, because while I was so keen to put his feelings above mine, from the very start of this interact, he had deliberately acted carelessly, disrespectfully, and spitefully.
Had I given him some oil to light his lamp, my own lamp would have burned out. If I had not reported him, I would have just joined he lot of Foolish people who continually act out in fake humility to please others, who clearly donate two tuppence about them.
There are people who coerce you to work at senseless hours, time which should be spent with family. They convince you it's the work of God, or that Theresa invisible reward if you continue doing hours of volunteer work which leads nowhere. When you arrive home, your lamp is out because you gave out your oil. Your not being humble or wise by putting other people before you and your family. You're actually foolish for giving them your oil, because now your lamp is out.

Choose abundance

Wonder why people do so much and yet there's no fire or light? It's because they gave out all their oil, are groping in the dark with the rest.
I've been there countless times. I lived for validation. It took while before I was able to contrast the truth and the lie. Anyone is able to get out of that place.
I'm grateful that I came out of it and that my lamp continually burns. I'm at the banquet, and that's where you're meant to be as well.

This is a post I wrote three years ago, in 2020, on Facebook

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