Saturday 6 July 2024

The Room Was Lit With Conquerable Mountains

I walked into the room and felt the light caressing my cheeks, as if it was for the first time.

When I stood besides these women, who have depth of character,  who stand for strong values, are associated with social justice and purpose, I felt a mountain moving out of my way. Jackie Asiimwe invited me for the launch of her book, 'Facing Mountains.' 

What she actually invited me for was a reminder of my purpose, for a restoration of my core values,  limitless possibilities, dutifully and meaningfully. This was an invitation for me to once again, be part of something consequential to my life's journey.

With Jackie Asiimwe, the author

Judy Kamanyi, gender justice advocate with 40years of experience.

Jackie Asiimwe, after climbing 6 physical mountains, conquering such physical feats with tenacity, a little bit of humor and grit, when she talks about mountains we all must listen.

I admire people who have such physical capacity, because behind their strength, is a formidable and remarkable character.

With Carol Beyanga (middle) and Hilda Twongyeirwe, ED of Femrite

Lillian Nabaggala, award-winning dancer and film maker and Hannah Mugenyi, designer

After spending time with chronically unconscionable people, walking into a room livened with pace setters, mentors, educators, advocates for peace, women's rights champions and more, is like breathing after a period of suffocation.

What an evening!

I felt at home, seated besides these magnificent women and men, whose strides continue lighting the path. I felt at home. I felt I was one of those who are driven by purpose, positive change and impactfulness. I felt I was back at home.

Goretti Kyomuhendo, ED of African writers Trust

Maritza, spoken word poet

Gloria wa Ndungi, vision board expert

Esther Kalenzi, social philanthropist and founder at 40-40

Do you feel like you are in an impossible situation, read 'Facing Mountains.' There is a Kenya book launch on 10 July, too.



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