Monday 13 November 2023

Get A Mentor Who Meets Your Mojo

Do you want a mentor who meets your mojo?

A mentor who seizes the day with you and if you'd like to fly a rocket, is willing to advise you on the best online deals.

Those are the worthwhile mentors, the one who listens, offers appropriate advice and does not take offence when you soar beyond possibilities. 

That is another reason why mentors who have known you from school, your childhood or when you were starting out in your career, are probably not the best fit.


There are certain individuals who have known me from childhood, because our families were friends and when we meet they give off an embrace of care, understanding my individuality and passion and light up when I share my goals. And yet, they always conclude by telling everyone who cares to listen how they knew me from childhood as the girl who used to play hide and seek with long curly hair. 

In their mind, their vision does not go beyond little sister or cute childhood neighbour. No matter the accolades or distinguishable moments in my life, their myopic vision remains stunted. I therefore made up my mind that my mentors will be those who have met me closer to my stage of actualization.

There are also mentors, whose very lives will become disrupted, when they sense that your success is overriding theirs. Their nostrils flare and their  commonsense dissipates like a puff of smoke. They make you second guess your abilities because you have exceeded beyond their understanding. Much as they'd like to take credit for all your success, deep down both of you know that the only part they played was to make you second guess yourself every step of the way.

And yet we still call them our mentors because they happen to be in the same profession as we are and because we happen to know the same people.

It is far better to get a personal coach whom you pay to unearth your limitless potential and to guide you on a path of singular success and experience. This coach will most likely give you more than you paid for. They have studied the manner of self-development and they have mastered the journey of self-awareness.

And then pay for a mastermind. A class whose focus is to nurture, meet a goal, build a business or create a strategic plan.

Mentorship is wonderful if the mentor is cognizant of  their own limitations and your own capacity. If you find a group or an individual, congratulations!

 Coaching and mastermind classes will elevate you to excellence. Go for that, too.

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