Sunday 18 February 2024

Your Destiny Is In Greater Hands

We do not realize the impact we have as adults, on children?

I had a chat with a friend over the weekend and she spoke of how a certain head teacher was so diabolical and disgraceful towards her that over 30 years later, she still remembered the grief, and recently this friend had the opportunity to tell this former head teacher of the brutal treatment she had meted out to her.

Here I am with my former student of 24 years ago, whom I met over the weekend.

How many people are thrilled to meet their former employers?

Even when you leave an organisation with grace and dignity, some employers are so filled with unscrupulous behaviour that they will not give you a good reference, which makes us all the more grateful for the changing work landscape, giving us more control over our destiny, using creative tools and excellent networking.

Wherever you are as a supervisor, manager or CEO, maintain a firm and consistent behaviour, go by the guidelines and maintain your stance.

You must NEVER EVER make people feel they are not worthy, that they do not belong and that they are of no significance in a place. That breeds trauma and resentment. Always be respectful to people. Even when you may need to discipline them in any way, treat them with respect and dignity.

Kevin O'Leary, a leading entrepreneur with Shark Tank, says that while working in an ice cream parlour, his supervisor asked him to scrape chewing gum off the floor, to which Kevin refused. He was dismissed after this, which led him to determine never ever to work for anyone again.

Now one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world, he wanted to return to that supervisor and thank her for leading him to a far greater destiny.

Even with an unfair dismissal, or an unacceptable job reference from a former employer, your destiny is in greater hands.

Keep going, 2024 is your year!

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