Monday 22 May 2023

A Potential I Never Even Knew Existed

Have you ever wanted something significantly, or more so, felt like you deserved it because of your qualifications, experience and credibility?

That was how I felt, last week. 

In this marvellous time of transition that I'm experiencing, last week I came face to face with a situation which suited my career and aspirations like a snug sweater in the heart of Kisoro's cold. Note: Kisoro is in Southwestern Uganda and Temperatures can drop to as low as 13.9°C. Brrrr

In this situation which required me to draft a few ideas, deliver a few pitches and share my value to the teams, all went well and yet I knew that there was more-so much more.

There is always more; not in the gluttonous way that leaves you bloated and yet empty and lethargic. It's this knowledge that you are always able to give more. It's this knowledge that you are always able to reach a potential that you never knew existed.

With the right perspective, planning and patience, you will always reach a potential that you never even knew existed.

This photo was taken in 2019, with a group of scientists whom I as training in public speaking and storytelling. (Photo credit: Science Stories Africa)

It was during these discussions, that I knew that there was a potential I never knew existed. The more I pondered; that potential drew closer until it was all I could think about. I woke up thinking of the potential I never knew I had, and how it was pertinent that I reach it.

And it worked!

I behaved as if I already had it. I stopped pining after it. I stopped praying  over it. I just said,

"Thank you God. I see it. I receive it. I have it. I'm living it."

And it came. It came. It's here and yes; it's the potential that I never knew I had.

When you want something, you feel you deserve it, it fits in your aspirations-just behave like you already have it. Don't pine after it; just receive it graciously. It's there and the 'it' that you want, will fall in line.

I'm Free!


Beverley Nambozo Nsengiyunva

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