Tuesday 16 April 2024

Keep Yourself Busy In The Things That Matter

 Keep Yourself Busy 

There are things that are sacred to you. Your work, your family, your physical health exercise, your meals and your leisure time. In those things, keep them sacred. You will not be in control of how people treat you in those spaces. You do have control over the way you respond.

Do not over react when someone shows consistent level of unacceptable behaviour towards you. Your time with them is for a season. Focus n your vision in life, which will be with you forever. They have made that choice. You should choose to keep busy with the work before you and make sure you have a daily period for unwinding.

This photo was taken in 2008 at a wedding.

Focus on your goals and not on other people's flaws. Since you have your own flaws, work on elevating yourself to become an enormity, invaluable, an asset and not a liability. It is not your job to save everyone from their own deliberate and unfortunate choices. 

Maintain your boundaries and do not interchange kindness for being gullible. Do not become so gullible that you believe everything that someone tells you. Be kind but be firm as well, otherwise people will mistake your kindness for weakness.

Keep busy. Keep on the target and when you feel weak and delusioned, when the target seems to be drifting away and bobbing into an impossible distance, then rest. Do not let anyone interfere with that rest. Do not become consumed with other people. Focus on yourself. Take a rest.

I learned that some of my lessons are meant for me alone. I learned that not every personal test in my life needs to be shared. It will not help people. If I truly want to be valuable, then I must allow people to learn on their own just like I learned on my own as well.

We can unmake some choice. We can drag ourselves out of any dark pit. If I have done it, then let me allow others to find the light as well.

Keep Busy. There are people who depend on you. If you're busy wearing yourself away with what is temporary, then you let yourself and others down.

You will grow stronger if you build yourself and the purpose into which you were born.

Beverley N Nsengiyunva

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