Wednesday 24 April 2024

Ripped from Sapphire

 Money Is Everything, if you have the wisdom to know how to use it.

If you studied in a missionary school in Uganda and then went on to offer your time and service at an Anglican, Pentecostal or a born again church, you may have been raised to believe that money is evil. You may have been raised to feel guilty for earning money, driving a car or owning a home and in many ways, you may have squandered either all of one of them, in the name of fanatic folly, giving all of it to religious programmes that never manifested or giving it away to prevent a make-believe prophetic doom.

It was in my early forties that I realised that money is actually everything. All you need is the wisdom to apply it. 

It leaves me puzzled when I meet people with so much money, with loving spouses who lavish them with anything that they want, and children who lack nothing, look at me with obvious envy.

What do I possibly have that they want? They have everything. With half of what they own, I can turn my life around and the lives of so many people who are under my care. I can travel to all the countries of my desires and make worthy investments.

And then I pause and go through my diaries, through my blog posts and through comments on my work, from clients and customers.

I begin to understand the root cause of some people’s envy. My confidence. My ability to articulate. My resilience. My ability to not dwell on things and take on another project with so much gusto, it is as if I have other-worldly capacity.

Money will not buy any of the above qualities, and that is the cause for envy and misguided resentment. I have spent days, weeks and years building myself to become a person of unrivalled resilience. I wake up early, read a lot and spend time learning from whom I perceive as the best in the industries I am growing in. The internet is so useful and I resourcefully spend time listening to particular people and applying their qualities.

If you focus on building the person you want to become and building your life, then others around you will be able to shine their light as well. There will be no time for envy, because you will be so busy doing the things that matter and you will enjoy it.

In the same way that people invest and build their business empires, is the same way I build myself.

Now, all I need is to become Billionaire Bev. How about that?

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